Saturday, December 5, 2015


This is the fourth book I have made using our photos with Scripture or song lyrics about growing and increasing in God. The other three are found in earlier posts. The first is Seeking Him, followed by Hide Me, Lord. The third is Found~Redeemed. Enjoy!
Click here to view this photo book larger
Click here to create your own Shutterfly photo book.

Friday, December 4, 2015

It's Thursday, right? Let's throw back. And forth, as in forward. When Elise was in high school, she would agonize over her hair most mornings. My response always was, “If you smile, no one will care about your hair”. Another one of my theories was that if you had enough hanging on the walls, no one would see dust. Now that I am even wiser, I have added another belief. “If you smile AND wear enough jewelry, no one will notice your hair, nor your wrinkles.” I tried it out this past Sunday. It is definitely a truth. I got quite a few comments about the jewelry and none about my wrinkles. Nor my hair. In fact, I even smiled, which added to my wrinkles! Give it a try, gals!

I finished my little domino book using the verses from Psalm 23 and photos that Lyle and I have taken over the years.