Monday, April 15, 2013

Retired People--What Do We Do?

Do working people ever wonder what retired people do every day?  Well, as a "retiree," I am not even sure what I do.  By the "end of the day," which varies daily, I wonder where the day went?  There are some days that I could give a detailed report.  It does seem that I never just sit around.  Each morning I read the newspaper, cartoons being my favorite.  I usually cut quite a few things out of the paper so I have to organize those--into a pile.  I suppose all those will end up on my "hayrack."  I talked to Elise this morning, which is a normal part of my day.  She calls me on her drive to work.  Some days Chris also calls me on his drive.  It helps me to feel close even though I am distant in miles.  I check my emails while I eat my bran muffin with my cold coffee.  The trouble starts when I look at my computer.  One thing leads to the next.  Answer.  Save.  Check on a sale.  Look at a project I've started.  Start a new project.  Should I dump anything?  Oh, yes, I told her I would google something.  Back up stuff to my hard drive.  And there I am and it is noon and I am in my pjs.  I realize I forgot my vitamins and pills.  I better take them.  Then I see what there is to do in the kitchen, besides ordinary kitchen stuff.  I carry something to the bedroom and decide to make the bed.  I should play the piano.  I ask Lyle if we are going anywhere.  If not, I will just stay in my pajamas.  I usually decide on a project to do or work on one started.  I will tell more about my projects later.  I better get something done.  It is noon already and I am at my computer in my pajamas!   I DO LOVE BEING A RETIREE.  Whatever that is.

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